Thursday, July 21, 2011

3D Rose

I really like 3D acrylic nail art but I need a LOT more practice so I don't do it very often. Every once in a while though, I like to just sit down and practice a bit. This is the result of my last practice session.
Here is my 3D acrylic rose with flower and leaf rhinestones. The peach color is Essie Van D'Go and the white is MAC Vestral White. It actually took me about a good hour to make two decent roses, haha. Honestly, I'm not super happy with the overall design (I think the rhinestones are a bit much) but I'm pretty proud of the flower! Now if only I could do it on the first try...


  1. The flower looks cute! And I like how you used a rhinestone for the flower instead of nail polish or more acrylics... nice touch! ^^ Do you make the flowers first and then put it on your nail? Or do you start on your nail but when you mess up you have to start over? >< Anyway, cute manicure. (:

  2. aw love the 3d acrylic rhinestone! please do tutorial :)

  3. Aw, thank you both! Pan, I'm not nearly good enough to just do it on the nail, haha. It took sooooo many tries to get a good one! I did it on a piece of foil first and then peeled it off.

    Chell, thanks! I'll try to do a tutorial someday, I don't know if I am the right person to do that though!

  4. I love it, L! Katelin saw it and she's extremely jealous. She's currently bugging me about getting some so she could do the same thing too. -__-;;

  5. Thanks Mal! Haha, Katelin and I seem to have very similar taste!
