Thursday, July 22, 2010

Diamond Cosmetics Haul!

I just got home from the game a little while ago and the lighting is not that great, but I am so excited!


Starting from the reds, going clockwise: Cherry Tobacco, Rubies & Diamonds, Sparkling Sherry, Cotton Candy, Party Hearty, Seafoam Spray, Froggy, Don't Teal My Heart Away, Tranquility, Serendipity, Blue Diamonds, Monarch Masquerade, Crushed Velvet, Midnight Blue, Starry Night, Never So Ever-Green, Chainmail Charm, and Concrete Jungle.

I'm really excited to try them all! They are $2.25 each (unless otherwise noted) and available on their website. Shipping is $5.90 for up to 20 items.


  1. Ahhh! I would be so excited too! Which one will you wear first?

  2. L, how are these comparable to all the others?!

  3. Asami, I'm not sure yet! I think I will try one out right before I head off to Vegas, so probably something sparkly!

    Mal, I've only tried a couple of DC colors so far, but the formula was good. I'll definitely be sure to update as I try them!
